About Us.
We are experts in getting women unstuck and onto their true potential through unlocking their limiting beliefs. We offer you a space to identify your purpose and align daily actions to reach your potential through Clarity Coaching and Training.
Our Vision.
To be a transforming driver for women in self awareness.
Our Mission.
To transform women into their true and authentic selves by unearthing the greatness within them and thrashing out their limiting beliefs, through Clarity Coaching and Training.
Why Take a Chance with me?
I have tried and tested tools to help you fast track your progress. You do not need to go through the time that I took to know your purpose. I am passionate about teaching and I share this in my training offerings.
Areas of Expertise.
Coaching 0
Consultancy 0
Training 0
Our Services.
We are experts in getting women unstuck and onto their true potential through unlocking their limiting beliefs. We offer you a space to identify your purpose and align daily actions to reach your potential through Clarity Coaching and Training.
A weekly platform for women to help one another on their daily journey in the sphere of life. Invited Guests share personal life experiences to help build one another.
Structure and Policy, Recruitment, Sales and Marketing Plans, Training and Support
Clarity Coach for One-on-Ones, Groups and Teenage Girls.
Customer Service, Communication, Time Management, Personal Purpose, Personal Identity, Basic Sales, Account management, Digital Marketing, Corporate Culture.
About Lucy.
Clarity Coach
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Love Yourself First
The Power of Prioritizing YOU Ever notice how life feels like a never-ending to-do list? Work deadlines, social obligations, family check-ins—somehow, everything else comes first. But when was the last time you made it to the top of your own list? We have all heard it before—"Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others." It makes
Red Car Moments
Unlocking the Power of Intentionality Have you ever noticed that once you focus on something, it seems to appear everywhere? That is exactly what happened when I decided to buy a red car. And as it turns out, the experience was more than just a car purchase—it was a profound lesson on the power of focus
Failing Forward
Embracing the Lessons of Every Season "Do not fear the past. If people tell you that it is irrevocable, do not believe them. The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today."- Néhanda Abiodun Every new season brings with it a whirlwind of emotions—hope, excitement, fear, and sometimes, anxiety. I have often found
Graces in Our Lives
Finding the Magic in the Now Life moves fast—too fast for the busy individual balancing dreams, careers, relationships, and passions. It is easy to fall into the trap of living in one of two places: the regret-strewn past or the anxiety-fueled future. And in doing so, we miss the grace-filled present. Ever planned a vacation meticulously, mapping
When Noise Becomes the Norm, Silence Becomes the Superpower
In a world where speed and innovation are celebrated, where the next big idea is expected before the current one has fully matured, it is easy to lose ourselves in the whirlwind. The demands on our time, energy, and creativity stretch us thin daily. Yet, amidst this hustle, how often do we pause to truly
Cleared for Takeoff: Managing the Transition to a New Year
Are You Ready to Soar Into the New Year? Imagine yourself as the captain of an airplane. Your year has been a journey—long-haul flights through challenges, turbulence, and moments of cruising in clarity. Now, as the year’s end approaches, you are not just landing; you are also preparing for the next big takeoff. The runway ahead may
Mind Mastery
Shifting the Internal Landscape Mindset is the lens through which we see the world, and mastering it can transform every aspect of life. In my experience, a positive and growth-oriented mindset is not something we stumble upon—it is a daily practice, a choice. We are constantly faced with challenges, but how we respond to them determines
The Mis en Place of Life
How Planning Can Boost Your Mental Wellness Ever watched a master chef in action? Before the sizzling pans and artful plating begins, there is a magical phase known as mise en place—a French term meaning “everything in its place.” In the culinary world, it is all about preparation. Every ingredient is chopped, measured, and ready to go.
Taking A Pause
Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our thoughts that we wind up going around and around in circles, finding it difficult to concentrate on things and not really accomplishing much because we are so distracted. There may be signals — mental, emotional, or physical — that tell us we need to slow down and
The Bacon Phenomenon: Learning to Embrace Downtime
Reflection and downtime did not always come easy for me. My years in the corporate world were fast-paced, and I thrived on the energy. I loved the feeling of being relevant and driving the change I wanted to see in my area of influence. However, that meant my "off days" and vacations were often spent catching
When The Boda Rider Falls
Lessons in Reading the Signs There have been moments in my life when the writing on the wall was clear to everyone—except me. Whether it was the end of a season, rejection, being taken for granted, or emotional abuse, the signs were all around, but I chose not to see them. One such instance stands out vividly. I
Own The Narrative
Part Two: Accountability 💡Limiting Beliefs are not the truth about you. In my Coaching sessions, I help you unpack your limiting beliefs, consider other perspectives and have a choice of narratives to replace those beliefs. The session will always end with #accountability. This means that you the Coachee, will need to commit to the heavy lifting. Taking personal
Thrash Out Your Blocks
Part Three: It is not true❗ Limiting beliefs are fundamental thoughts that we have about ourselves, others and the world, that limit us in moving forward. One of the most common beliefs is that ‘I am not good enough’. These thoughts are formed from events in our lives that shape our thinking and are reinforced over time
Thrash Out Your Blocks
Part One: Winnowing Thoughts can be very distractive if not channeled well. Imagine a situation where everything is happening simultaneously and there are so many moving parts. Thoughts are seemingly running amok. Now onto that add an emotional state from a previous situation that has not been addressed. This melting pot can be quite volatile and may even cause
Action Listing
Part Three: Doing I recently did a LIVE session on #existing vs #thriving and my call to action was ‘stop being in it’. This reminded me of my Business Management classes where my Professor would always insist that the focus was working on the #business and not in it. The thought process here is that when you
Action Listing
Part Two: Saboteur When you look up the meaning of #Saboteur, you will come across this definition - 'a person who deliberately destroys or obstructs something' – at least that is what I found online. I refer to this because this is exactly what I had happen to me whenever I laid out my plans. I ended up not
Explore Your Gut
Part Two: Doing what I love. ✨Referencing the quote by Marc Anthony – 'If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life'…..just fuels my calling. As I pen this, it is Sunday night, and I really ought to be winding down and preparing to call it a night in great anticipation
Explore Your Gut
Part One: Who am I❓ Who am I❓- is one question that when answered, provides for rich reflection. If we consider Child Development, we quickly see the stages of growth and perhaps relate them to our identities, or to the answer to – Who am I? 📌For instance, infants respond to the 5 senses as a way
Review Your Journey
Part Three: The Lessons Lessons are what the past gifts us. The comfort zone is as a result of repeated actions that lead up to habits that we settle into. A sort of factory setting that when we reboot, we automatically start from. It is so much easier to revert to old habits and behaviours than it is
Review Your Journey: Part Two – Self Audit
In the appraisals that I mentioned in the previous chapter, both the appraisee and appraiser completed the form separately and then had a sitting session to discuss the report and document it. The agenda included, growth opportunities, strengths, feedback on the work environment, challenges, areas of improvement and so on. It gave a formal and
Margin of Error
Part Three: Margin of Error When running surveys, companies allow for a degree of deviation from the exact sample number. I have had my fair share of dabbling in surveys in my role as Committee Chair in various Associations. The deviation that I worked with was anywhere between 3 and 5%. This was the guiding margin
Aligning with your Focus
Part Two Creating your area of focus involves identifying your current and your desired state. It is a process of being totally honest with your current state. Determining what our Purpose is in life can be one of the hardest questions that we as humans must try to answer. The Wheel of Life is a well-known tool
Crafting Your Focus
Part One: The Marksman I have often marveled at the skill of a marksman. They keep their focus on the target, and everything else surrounds that focus, and makes it sharper. The precision required takes a lot of practice, and this includes aiming under stress. Even as the arrow is released, it still faces the elements of
Quit Talking and Start Doing
We are a day past the mid of the first month of #2022, and I am reminded of a past life where I have given up even before I started.?The charged emotions of the 31st December got me making resolutions.?I drew up a list of things to do based on: • Who I was with at
#Bittersweet Three Days
Love your family and friends fiercely. ❤Do so through being present physically and emotionally. ❤Do so through action and feedback. ❤Do so through listening and dialoguing. ❤Do so through words. This love will carry you through the inevitable time when death comes calling. #Death is final. The separation is gut wrenching. This is the first festive season without Mum. Really bitter sweet.So
With the football season all around us, benched would be a common term. This is when a player is withdrawn from the game for various reasons which could include arriving late for a game, missing practice, being disrespectful, making mistakes, an injury and so on.This however is not unique to football only and can be
Wealth and Importance
My publisher is in town visiting, and we met up to touch base, and get an update as to where we are with the publication, which is a year behind schedule. The name of the publication is Wealth Footprints and my chapter is called – ‘Awakening Self’. We are a total of 13 Co-Authors. Though the
As I prepared for my November Personal Success series on #tuesdaytalksatthree, I came face to face with my version of what success is.For me success is about the #smallwins which build up to bigger wins. It is about me ✔setting up a plan, ✔setting up action plans,✔ staring the journey, and identifying/appreciating the small wins
Self Sabotage
Optimism can lead to Self Sabotage A kind of blindness where you are unable to see anything negative. A mistake is obvious to everyone else but you do not see it. When you are told that you have not answered the question asked and you answer but you know my stand? You perhaps know the flaws but
Too rich to be helped.
During a sermon recently, the priest stated that no one is too rich to receive help and no one is too poor to share. My coaching mind just locked onto that and Limiting Beliefs came to mind. ✔Limiting Beliefs – Thoughts or opinions that you have about yourself, others and the world, that tend to hold you
It’s LONELY at the TOP
I was seated at my dining table preparing for the week of training ahead of me, when I had this déjà vu feeling. ?I was transported back to employment. I was seated at my desk at around 9pm preparing for the week ahead (old habits die hard). I could hear the silence around me….I was alone
The Nelsons in our lives
It is said that there is a time and a season for everything. I for one can vouch that people come into your life for a reason and for a season. His name is Nelson. My world had turned upside down and I was free falling fast…VERY fast. I was not in control and for those who know
Anchored in your past?
I had the opportunity of working on a #project, with a friend of mine and her team. The scope of work was within my #skillset and #capabilities. It was a ‘slam dunk’ until the voices started softly and eventually were loud and clear in my head. There was no way: we were going to agree on the
Things are NOT working, I am just tired Lucy
This is how the conversation started. She was distraught and not very audible as she was crying. It broke my heart to see her this way. ✔She is a strong and passionate individual. ✔She is larger than life and pours herself with so much zeal into everything she does. ✔She is professional, whether offering paid or pro bono services. I empathized
All things happen for good
A story is told of a King and his male servant on a hunting expedition. The King lost his finger and was so angry that he blamed his servant, and had him jailed. While on another hunting expedition, the King and his new male servant were captured by savages and were to be offered as a
Having Clarity on what you want to do and going ahead and doing it are 2 very distinctive things that we must all consider. ‘Purpose’ is the reason for being. This is the buzz word, and especially during this pandemic, most people have had these conversations with #self ?Do you know your reason for being? ?Are you intentionally
Dead Halt
The pandemic brought my busy schedule to a dead halt, as I am sure it did for many. It brought the brutal fact home that I am an ‘all work and no play’ person. I was so conditioned to working, and couldn’t remember the last time I had fun. I got to thinking of what fun
Entrepreneurship is a PRACTICE PRACTICE '
SUCCESS is relative
SUCCESS is relative.This is an appreciation that one must have, failure to which, one will only find confusion, perhaps anger, or even great bitterness. Parents have great plans for their children. And if truth be told, these plans are either based on their regrets or their current successes. The things they did not achieve, will be the
My #Dream came true
My #Dream came true But hold on….was that it? The moment of actualization was all of 30 minutes!!!! I felt short changed As a #LifeCoach, I have a CLARITY program that advocates for dusting your dream off the shelf, putting together a plan and executing. Identify – Plan – Execute My Life Coaching is founded on my personal #experiences
You see whereas #CHANGE is constant, #GROWTH is a #choice, and one will not grow whilst in their comfort zone. My mother would in her wisdom encourage me to get better grades. Her take was that if I could aim at an extra 2 points per subject per term/semester, I would end the year measuring growth.
What path do you need to chart?
It's that time of the year. We have hit the halfway mark. Questions to ask #SELF are: How am I doing?Am I still on track?Do I need to re-evaluate ?What is working?
Life is Fleeting
The June theme of our #tuesdaytalksatthree turned out to be an amazing journey back into my past. I came face to face with the reality that in most part, I was just living one day to the next
Good Customer Service is a differentiator
June has been a month of being out and about, and away from my desk. I came face to face with #CustomerService, or the lack of it during this time. Suffice to say that the pandemic has and continues to challenge #businessplans and by extension #budgets. The landscape has shifted, and we must make a
Wrapping up
Wrapping up - bringing things to a close - completing a cycle. All these are natural processes in life, and they come with their fair share of a sense of loss, sadness, and emptiness. Last weekend I packed Mum's personal belongings away. It was really emotional. As I folded each piece, I spoke to the
As I prepared for the final Master Class on #COREVALUES that I am running tomorrow ( Saturday 29th May), I found myself lost in thought on matters #accountability. What held my thoughts is the way accountability is tied to Core Values in such a profound manner, yet many a time, we gloss over it, using
ALCON: a US military standard abbreviation for ‘ALL CONCERNED’ I heard it today for the first time. I was attending a requiem service for a childhood friend. His work colleagues gave him a befitting tribute and referred to him as ALCON, simply and purely because he was that guy that made sure the office operated
Truths on Grief
"The death of a loved one is an amputation" C.S Lewis Unbeknown to me as I hosted a #tuesdaytalksatthree session earlier this year, I was actually being blessed with some fundamental truths on grief. My guest - Roseanne Katunge - Grief Expert - Rozana's Lounge shared: ??Grief is a natural process - it is normal ??The worst grief
Shots fired!!
Shots fired!! To be specific 2 shots fired. I was out on my exercise walk and decided to take a route that I hadn’t been on in a while. Barely 20 minutes into it, and I found myself in the commotion. I was so scared and chose to keep moving. And as I did, I
Can anything good come from Nazareth?
Can anything good come from Nazareth? John 1:46 This bible verse is so relevant in our current situation. I have found that with the Corona wake up call, many of us have reevaluated our existence and made decisions that are life changing. I will call this group of people CREATORS as opposed to witnesses and
Just Enough…
This past week I heard the phrase #justenough during my dearly departed Mother’s wake. We were looking at her illness journey and marveling at how the finances were always JUST ENOUGH to cover the bills. This was true every time. In fact she always said that she had JUST ENOUGH. She lived by this principle.
Re-fuel, Re-affirm and Re-boot
I pride myself in being structured. This can be traced back to my core value of #integrity. You see this word encompasses: #honesty #trust and #authenticity for me. It reads that I am #dependable and #loyal, it further means that I will show up for #self and others, and do what I promised to do.
Charge what you are Worth
Out and about on my exercise walk the other day, and as I was trying to walk past these two men, I could not help but listen to their conversation. Man Number 1(let’s call him MATO): ‘You can’t afford eating in such places my friend’ (We were walking past a new eatery and there were

Amina Jarso
I met Lucy first when she conducted a customer service training for all Skyward Express employees, a leading regional airline in Kenya. In this training, Lucy was an energetic, vibrant, organized and absolutely creative speaker who managed to capture and hold everyone's attention for the day long sessions while imparting educational information. My next interaction with Lucy was on a one-to-one basis benefiting from her valuable life coaching having won a contest that she included as a bonus in her wholesome training package for which the reward was six sessions with her. For the six sessions, I had the privilege of sharing the life changing experience with two of my younger sisters and my best friend, ladies who have all shared the impact the life coaching by Lucy has had on the way they now view themselves and their lives. Lucy's six sessions with us were logically sequenced from seeking to understand where we each stood with various aspects of our lives to covering strategies and techniques to assist us in dealing with the pressures of and balancing our professional and personal lives. I was particularly impressed by her ability to awaken insights in my younger sister whose main task was University education while managing to also do the same for my friend and I in our adult lives in the duration of the same session. In the 6 week long sessions, Lucy not only managed to give us useful tools to break free from past limitations, understand our current situation but also techniques to map and visualize our goals while always pushing us to dig deeper for answers. Lucy's professional skills, her warm personality together with her own inspiring story, makes her a perfect coach to any individual or group that comprises of any age group in the interest of motivation, insight, confidence and achievement of goals.

Liz Ayany
Excellent coach with insightful skills and experience

Its my absolute pleasure to recommend life Coach Lucy. The session was enlightening, provoking, inspiring and reflective. Through our Q & A session, i was able to unmask my fears and in her wisdom i am now able to face myself and celebrate me confidently.

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