|  Reflections   |  Things are NOT working, I am just tired Lucy

Things are NOT working, I am just tired Lucy

This is how the conversation started.

She was distraught and not very audible as she was crying.

It broke my heart to see her this way. 

✔She is a strong and passionate individual. 

✔She is larger than life and pours herself with so much zeal into everything she does. 

✔She is professional, whether offering paid or pro bono services.

I empathized with her and just supported her with my silent presence as she broke down.  It turns out that the project that she was working on had hit a snag.  The project owners were not keeping to their word, and it was unravelling at the seams.

?Can you relate?

?How often have you felt this way?

?Has the rug been pulled off from underneath you?

This happened so often in my life that I became paranoid to the point that whenever things went so well, I just knew that they would go horribly wrong in an instant.

So I self-sabotaged by:

  • not giving it my best
  • using negative selftalk

and ofcourse it would go belly up.

It took my coach Sippy Chadha to set me on the right path.  She asked me questions and I did not like the answers.  She followed up on action plans, and held me accountable, and I tried to field her and delay the inevitable because it was hard.

Fast forward, my narrative is different, my selftalk is kinder and I have CLARITY of what I want.

  • Whatever I work on, I work with excellence.
  • Whether it goes well or not, I am now coming for a place of peace with SELF.

TODAY is one of those days, where I am feeling:

◾Things are NOT working and I am tired◾

So I gave myself a day off from a few things: It is okay not to be ok:  I remind myself that this is the exception not the rule.

And that the sun will come up tomorrow.

Clarity Coach Lucy


Lucy is a Co- Author of Wealth Footprints Volume 1, (and is working on her second book), a certified Life Coach, a Mentor and Facilitator. She founded ELEMCEE Consultancy with a vision to help build women by empowering them into transformation.

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