SUCCESS is relative

SUCCESS is relative.
This is an appreciation that one must have, failure to which, one will only find confusion, perhaps anger, or even great bitterness.
Parents have great plans for their children. And if truth be told, these plans are either based on their regrets or their current successes.
- The things they did not achieve, will be the things that they want their children to achieve.
- The things that they have succeeded in, are the things that they want their children to succeed in also.
Again I say…success is #relative
One must know #SELF
Knowing who you are is fundamental to your #SUCCESS, and not anyone else’s.
The pandemic has brought Self Awareness to the fore.
We have had moments to appreciate what we have and what we deem important to go after.
I for one was challenged with what success meant for me. The downtime of the first wave of #COVID19 had me at my wits end. My worry evolved around survival – providing my basic needs of food, shelter and bills.
However the recent worldwide rise in mental issues, reminded me that I am a sum of my light and dark shadows. That as I build on my strengths, I must do so in cognizance of my dark side, this is the side that lies hidden in the shadows of my personality.
I took time to intentionally draw them out and call them by name.
It was not easy, I asked myself tough questions, I mostly did not like the answers, but I had to face the shadows of my personality.
These shadows, if unchecked can lead to #mental anguish, which not only affects you, but also the environment that you are in.
How did I take control of my dark side?
Let me help you.
Get in Touch for a discovery session and let’s get talking.
Clarity Coach Lucy