My #Dream came true

My #Dream came true
But hold on….was that it? The moment of actualization was all of 30 minutes!!!! I felt short changed
As a #LifeCoach, I have a CLARITY program that advocates for dusting your dream off the shelf, putting together a plan and executing.
Identify – Plan – Execute
My Life Coaching is founded on my personal #experiences and of those around me. So in this case, just like any parent would, I dreamed of my daughter’s wedding.
So I took it off the shelf and set a #plan to it – sounds sinister right? Not actually…..
They met 7 years ago and I purposed to be part of this #journey once I realized that they were serious about one another. I had set my #intention and hence my #commitment. My action plans were quite simple and quickly became a part of my life. I chose to be Mum, their support system and part of their #TRIBE.
So yes, after 7 years it was over in 30 minutes, and they are now in the next phase of their lives, and I am basking in the #afterglow.
This is true of achieving your dream, your goal, or your mission. When you get to the finishing line, you may experience an anti-climax of sorts. This is OK. You see it is about the journey and the memories that you created along the way that will sustain the moment for a long time to come.
But you may ask – What do I do with all that energy and commitment that I had invested?
Well in my case, I choose to:
- Move #forward and onward to the next phase with them.
- Create more #memories
- Be Mum, their #support system and part of their TRIBE
Lessons Learnt:
- Life is a journey, not a destination
- Be grateful for the experiences along the way
- Take your learnings and successes and grow
- Create memories.
To my children, I grant you blessings.
Clarity Coach Lucy