Own The Narrative
Part Two: Accountability 💡Limiting Beliefs are not the truth about you. In my Coaching sessions, I help you unpack your limiting beliefs, consider other perspectives and have a choice of narratives to replace those beliefs. The session will always end with #accountability. This means that you the Coachee, will need to commit to the heavy lifting. Taking personal
Thrash Out Your Blocks
Part Three: It is not true❗ Limiting beliefs are fundamental thoughts that we have about ourselves, others and the world, that limit us in moving forward. One of the most common beliefs is that ‘I am not good enough’. These thoughts are formed from events in our lives that shape our thinking and are reinforced over time
Thrash Out Your Blocks
Part One: Winnowing Thoughts can be very distractive if not channeled well. Imagine a situation where everything is happening simultaneously and there are so many moving parts. Thoughts are seemingly running amok. Now onto that add an emotional state from a previous situation that has not been addressed. This melting pot can be quite volatile and may even cause
Action Listing
Part Three: Doing I recently did a LIVE session on #existing vs #thriving and my call to action was ‘stop being in it’. This reminded me of my Business Management classes where my Professor would always insist that the focus was working on the #business and not in it. The thought process here is that when you
Action Listing
Part Two: Saboteur When you look up the meaning of #Saboteur, you will come across this definition - 'a person who deliberately destroys or obstructs something' – at least that is what I found online. I refer to this because this is exactly what I had happen to me whenever I laid out my plans. I ended up not
Explore Your Gut
Part Two: Doing what I love. ✨Referencing the quote by Marc Anthony – 'If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life'…..just fuels my calling. As I pen this, it is Sunday night, and I really ought to be winding down and preparing to call it a night in great anticipation
Explore Your Gut
Part One: Who am I❓ Who am I❓- is one question that when answered, provides for rich reflection. If we consider Child Development, we quickly see the stages of growth and perhaps relate them to our identities, or to the answer to – Who am I? 📌For instance, infants respond to the 5 senses as a way
Review Your Journey
Part Three: The Lessons Lessons are what the past gifts us. The comfort zone is as a result of repeated actions that lead up to habits that we settle into. A sort of factory setting that when we reboot, we automatically start from. It is so much easier to revert to old habits and behaviours than it is
Review Your Journey: Part Two – Self Audit
In the appraisals that I mentioned in the previous chapter, both the appraisee and appraiser completed the form separately and then had a sitting session to discuss the report and document it. The agenda included, growth opportunities, strengths, feedback on the work environment, challenges, areas of improvement and so on. It gave a formal and
Margin of Error
Part Three: Margin of Error When running surveys, companies allow for a degree of deviation from the exact sample number. I have had my fair share of dabbling in surveys in my role as Committee Chair in various Associations. The deviation that I worked with was anywhere between 3 and 5%. This was the guiding margin