|  Reflections (Page 2)

Love your family and friends fiercely. ❤Do so through being present physically and emotionally. ❤Do so through action and feedback. ❤Do so through listening and dialoguing. ❤Do so through words. This love will carry you through the inevitable time when death comes calling. #Death is final. The separation is gut wrenching. This is the first festive season without Mum. Really bitter sweet.So

With the football season all around us, benched would be a common term. This is when a player is withdrawn from the game for various reasons which could include arriving late for a game, missing practice, being disrespectful, making mistakes, an injury and so on.This however is not unique to football only and can be

As I prepared for my November Personal Success series on #tuesdaytalksatthree, I came face to face with my version of what success is.For me success is about the #smallwins which build up to bigger wins. It is about me ✔setting up a plan, ✔setting up action plans,✔ staring the journey, and identifying/appreciating the small wins