What path do you need to chart?
It's that time of the year. We have hit the halfway mark. Questions to ask #SELF are: How am I doing?Am I still on track?Do I need to re-evaluate ?What is working?
Life is Fleeting
The June theme of our #tuesdaytalksatthree turned out to be an amazing journey back into my past. I came face to face with the reality that in most part, I was just living one day to the next
Good Customer Service is a differentiator
June has been a month of being out and about, and away from my desk. I came face to face with #CustomerService, or the lack of it during this time. Suffice to say that the pandemic has and continues to challenge #businessplans and by extension #budgets. The landscape has shifted, and we must make a
Wrapping up
Wrapping up - bringing things to a close - completing a cycle. All these are natural processes in life, and they come with their fair share of a sense of loss, sadness, and emptiness. Last weekend I packed Mum's personal belongings away. It was really emotional. As I folded each piece, I spoke to the
As I prepared for the final Master Class on #COREVALUES that I am running tomorrow ( Saturday 29th May), I found myself lost in thought on matters #accountability. What held my thoughts is the way accountability is tied to Core Values in such a profound manner, yet many a time, we gloss over it, using
ALCON: a US military standard abbreviation for ‘ALL CONCERNED’ I heard it today for the first time. I was attending a requiem service for a childhood friend. His work colleagues gave him a befitting tribute and referred to him as ALCON, simply and purely because he was that guy that made sure the office operated
Truths on Grief
"The death of a loved one is an amputation" C.S Lewis Unbeknown to me as I hosted a #tuesdaytalksatthree session earlier this year, I was actually being blessed with some fundamental truths on grief. My guest - Roseanne Katunge - Grief Expert - Rozana's Lounge shared: ??Grief is a natural process - it is normal ??The worst grief
Shots fired!!
Shots fired!! To be specific 2 shots fired. I was out on my exercise walk and decided to take a route that I hadn’t been on in a while. Barely 20 minutes into it, and I found myself in the commotion. I was so scared and chose to keep moving. And as I did, I
Can anything good come from Nazareth?
Can anything good come from Nazareth? John 1:46 This bible verse is so relevant in our current situation. I have found that with the Corona wake up call, many of us have reevaluated our existence and made decisions that are life changing. I will call this group of people CREATORS as opposed to witnesses and
Just Enough…
This past week I heard the phrase #justenough during my dearly departed Mother’s wake. We were looking at her illness journey and marveling at how the finances were always JUST ENOUGH to cover the bills. This was true every time. In fact she always said that she had JUST ENOUGH. She lived by this principle.