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Practice – #tuesdaytalksatthree – Mindful Parenting

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

Mahatma Gadhi said: 🌸Our beliefs become our thoughts, 🌸Our thoughts become our words, 🌸Our actions become our habits, 🌸Our habits become our values, 🌸Our values become our destiny.   An amazing quote that with intentionality has the power to make positive shifts in every aspect of our lives. ❓How can parents apply these words in […]

#tuesdaytalksatthree – Mindful Parenting Series

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

Staying present is a term used often. ❓How can parents stay present with their children? Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for tips on how to stay present with your children. Lucy, Your Clarity Coach #lifecoach #raisingchildren #lifeskills #impact #present

Mindful Parenting – Awareness – #tuesdaytalksatthtree

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

Mindful parenting encourages parents to focus on the moment, respond thoughtfully to challenges, and communicate with intention. How can parents introduce mindfulness to their children? Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for tips on how to model mindfulness as a life skill for your children. Lucy, Your Clarity Coach #lifecoach #raisingchildren #lifeskills #impact