Adapting to Priorities

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

How prepared are you for change from fixed to a growth mindset? According to Carol Dweck, one of the world’s leading researchers on motivation and mindsets, only 40 percent of people have a growth mindset. This means that the other 60 percent of people do not hold the qualities of a growth mindset and, therefore, […]

Personal Triggers

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

Procrastination IS NOT just about poor time management. 📌Let us start by looking inward. Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for Episode 1 of the Procrastination Intervention Series, and let us explore how to identify personal triggers.

Enhancing Focus – Procrastination Intervention – #tuesdaytalksatthree

What habits do you wish you had when it comes to getting your goals in motion? Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for Episode 3 of the Procrastination Intervention Series, and let us look at 3 areas of interest when it comes to developing habits to enhance focus, discipline, and motivation. Lucy, Your Clarity Coach

Cultivated Mindset – Procrastination Intervention

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

How often do you catch yourself doubting your abilities? It is time to flip the script. Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for Episode 4 of the Procrastination Intervention Series, and let us look at 3 viable ways to cultivate a growth mindset.

#tuesdaytalksatthree – Adaptability and Change Management Series – MINDSET

Are there any beliefs or assumptions you hold about yourself or your abilities that might be limiting your growth? I do not have what it takes. I need more time. The finances are not enough How can you challenge these and adopt a more open mindset? Shift Your Perspective: View challenges as opportunities for growth […]

#tuesdaytalksatthree – UNCERTAINTY

In navigating change and uncertainty, what essential strategies have you applied? Join me on this episode of  #tuesaytalksatthree and let us explore 3 fundamental strategies to maintain #stability and #adaptability in your personal and professional life. Lucy, Your Clarity Coach #changemanagement #growthmindset #selfimprovement

Challenges – #tuesdaytalksatthree – Adaptability and Change Management Series

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

We often find ourselves trying to adapt to change, however we find it challenging to change direction quickly, and this is because we are attached to our plans and find letting go hard. Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for 3 tried and tested skills to help you pivot in the face of change.

The Power Of Influence – Negotiation Mastery Series

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

How have you applied influence at a #negotiation table? 📌Identifying underlying interests transforms conflicts from adversarial stand-offs into collaborative #problem-solving opportunities, fostering #sustainable #resolutions. Join me  as we consider the various ways to apply #influence for positive #outcomes.

Assertiveness – #tuesdaytalksatthree

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

What does assertiveness look like for you? Assertiveness in negotiation ensures that your needs and boundaries are respected while maintaining a respectful and collaborative atmosphere. Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree as we unpack 3 ways to assert oneself at the negotiation table. Lucy, Your Clarity Coach

Who Must Go!!! – #tuesdaytalksatthree

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

How can you practically overcome deadlocks in negotiations? Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree as bring the Negotiation Mastery Series to a close Lucy, Your Clarity Coach

Blocking Time for Productivity

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

What one tool helps you to improve productivity and focus? Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for one tried and tested tool that will get you allocating your time in a practical way.

Procrastination Buster

IG LIVE @lucy_yourclaritycoach

How do you activate a proactive mindset? Tomorrow is a place where procrastination lives. Join me on #tuesdaytalksatthree for super tips on how to be present and productive today.