|  Reflections   |  Anchored in your past?

Anchored in your past?

I had the opportunity of working on a #project, with a friend of mine and her team.  The scope of work was within my #skillset and #capabilities. It was a ‘slam dunk’ until the voices started softly and eventually were loud and clear in my head.

There was no way:

  • we were going to agree on the modalities
  • we were going to get the project out in time.
  • I was getting a fair share of the pay

I have #trust issues when working in a #team, especially a team that was led by someone other than me.

My past results have not always been smooth and a memory of #struggle, #anxiety, #frustration and #betrayal, rears its ugly head whenever I am faced with a team project as in this case.

◾I am anchored in my past results.

◾I am fearful and would rather just slide back into my comfort zone and work alone.

But you see team dynamics more often than not, yield great results.

?One must trust the system

?The team when oiled well complements each other’s strengths and weaknesses

?The different schools of thought make for great buffet of options

?Creativity and Innovation AND Risk are great ingredients

In short, we must venture out of our comfort zones. 

In this case, I chose to take a chance on the project, and we finished on time ✔ 

The debates we had, built on and further enhanced our knowledge,✔ and we were more confident with our skill set and capabilities✔ The rush was so fulfilling✔.

✨Take a risk and free fall.

✨Don’t let your past steal the present of today.

✨Live!, and roll with the punches ….this is what is called experiencing life.

By the way, the voices are still in my but much quieter, as I have created a new memory.

Clarity Coach Lucy


Lucy is a Co- Author of Wealth Footprints Volume 1, (and is working on her second book), a certified Life Coach, a Mentor and Facilitator. She founded ELEMCEE Consultancy with a vision to help build women by empowering them into transformation.

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